Workplaces – how can they work?

Workplaces are the weirdest of places,
that’s where the strangest of human cases
gather based on total random and chance.
You never know or hint in advance
who will be leaving or joining next;
they just announce it one day in a text.
The lot is expected to function as teams,
no wonder that sometimes it steams –
so many souls supposed to function in sync.

At times you might be tempted to think
that you would be better off on your own,
but yet to the group your’e somehow sown.

The worry wheel

Wouldn´t you worry if you could,
wallow in a worry-pit, you sure should!
One thought chasing another,
being rational is such a bother.

Worry about even the tiniest things,
it’s like your mind has its own set of wings.
Your lying in bed completely still,
yet your mind races around at it’s own free will.

Stopping the thoughts is such a tough chore,
the task itself exhausting and never ever getting you to the core –
pushes the spinning wheel even harder than ever before.

The more time spent on one thought
closer to the solution bring you ought.
But the opposite really is the case
so try your hardest to stop the chase.

Things have a way of working themselves out
without you brain having to scream and shout.
Allow the thoughts to pass like little puffy clouds, oh so white and light!

So relax and stop the thought hunt as you never win that fight.
The clouds floating so effortlessly by,
each one carrying a poisened worry bom.
Decide to watch them pass ever so very calm,
stop playing God almighty, you can’t anyway change a thing.

Letting the worry clouds pass so white and pure
gives your mind a needed rest for sure.
Dwelling in the moment that is actually yours to embrace,
leaving the worry bombs floating in far away space.
No judging, analysing or debating in your mind
And finally peace of mind you´ll find.

What truly matters

Why do we always hide our core
instead of allowing our souls to soar?
Spending all this time chitchatting away
filling the minutes of every single day.

Why do we hide behind a front
instead of daring to be more blunt?
If only we could find the right words
for our emotions to be begird.

Oh if life only could be a little like a song
and we wouldn’t try so hard to belong,
with our small talk always so prepared,
and if we only weren’t so awfully scared
to be caught baring ourselves as we are, a shining star!

Why don’t we swallow our pride and fears
perhaps risking shedding some rolling tears
letting out the words that we’ve hidden so deep
oh if we only could – how much we would from that reap!

Lets face the ones we cherish and love
let go of what’s proper and what will behove.
Dig deep under the surface and open up
taking a big gulp from the sacred cup
of courage – and utter the words in such dire need.




Mindful bliss

Sitting here in stillness,
sipping on my tea.

Enjoying the tender tranquilness
while gazing out on the sea.

Life can be an amazing event;
now my journey here has me sent.
With gratefulness I in the moment dwell,
until the next chyme of the bell.

This poem came to my mind during a lunch brake on an amazing day with Jon Kabat-Zinn in Reykjavík, Iceland.
The event was attended by 300 persons and not a word was spoken during the hour long brake.

Horror strikes yet again

One by one they to the evil succumb,
brainwashed angry and numb.
Martyrs they are to become,
drilled on by extremists twisted drum.

Packed with knives and explosives
of a deadly dire dosage,
behind the wheel they gloat
as they speed down the busy road.

The innocent victims enjoying their day,
not knowing the price there is to pay
for heading out with their child in hand;
– be careful where you stand!

There is no hiding from it,
whether you’re a John or a Schmidt.
Wherever, whenever, whoever,
lives will be changed forever.

The culprits responsibility declare
and the answer to their prayer
would be total chaos and fear
so away from that we must steer.

We must be strong and united
but not bent and blighted.
Justice will be done in the end
and our bleeding hearts mend.

Evolution of medicine

Evolution, evolution
begets a revolution,
but the path to change
is like a steep mountain range;
as eyes tend to be blurred
and peace will be stirred.

Semmelweis was harshly judged
on the journey he trudged
revealing the microbes existence
with the utmost persistence.
His case was hard to state
and exclusion his dreadful fate.

How many Semmelweises of today
from the conventional knowledge sway
reaping stunning solid results
that are judged as scary cults?
The pharmaceutically proven “facts”
seem the only acknowledged acts;
cure can only come from a pill
even though it might make you ill.

Have we abandoned the simple truth
and how natural foods can soothe?
How simple blood tests can detect
the deficiency that our health has wrecked?

We need to keep our minds ajar
and perhaps not look too far
as truth hasn’t changed that much,
already Hippocrates had the touch
believing in the natural healing process;
good diet, fresh air, rest and cleanliness.



Trouble in Paradise

Is the whole world becoming worse
and are we all living under a curse?
Or has it always sort of been like this
with tragedies as a hidden miss,
happening in far away places
to other perhaps less outspoken races?
Have horrible things been mentioned less
by the often shallow western press?

Now that we ourselves have victims become
we have stopped being so utterly numb.
The terror has settled in our own backyard
and accepting that fact is damn hard.


Cherish the moment

Another moment has passed
and you were so harassed
that you didn’t even notice at all
the moment that you’ll never recall.
Too many oblivious moments add up

so it’s about time you consider to stop
smell the roses as you along them pass,
cherish every moment you possess.


Freedom of speech?

The start of oppressing times
with scrutinisation of opinions rhymes
only pre approved views are ok
not complying throws you in dismay.
To begin with it innocent may be
but as further enforced you start to see
that swimming against the stream
becomes an exhausting far away dream.
Day by day the frightened slowly silenced are
spreading with uncanny speed near and far
the roles suddenly become reversed
almost as if it’s been rehearsed

History should be our warning sign
shockingly unappealing like sour brine;
but modern Europe might well be next
and the future unbiased history text
could show how it slowly but surely took hold
with prisons and graveyards full of the opposing bold
and the ones that protected from criticism were
in the end made all the others endure

Fending off the winter cold/flu

Bacteria and viruses – they’re literally everywhere and nothing is as boring and unproductive as being hit by them. Even though we have come a long way since these micro organisms were discovered we nonetheless still haven’t conquered the yearly flu let alone the common cold. Now that winter is upon us, at least for us living in the northern part of the earths’ hemisphere, it is about time to gear up with the right weapons. Following is a list of weapons that is well worth accumulating in order to stay healthy and productive this winter.

1. Healthy gut flora
More and more evidence is being gathered showing that having a healthy gut flora is key to good health. These small creatures that live in our gut can either be our friends or our enemies. It all seems to depend on what we eat and what we think. If we have a healthy unprocessed diet that includes some fermented food items and supplement with cultures during stressful times – and when we feel like we are coming down with a cold or a flu – we are in much better shape to fend off invading viruses and bacteria.

2. Cleanliness without going to extremes – stop touching your face! 
We all know it but do we go by it? Hand washing is essential after touching areas that are touched by several people such as handlebars, doorknobs and towels. But you can’t go about all day long washing your hands again and again after touching every random object around. A lot of people don’t realise that the essential thing is to never touch your face unless your hands are clean. Never touch your eyes, your nose or any part of your face unless you have washed your hands. If you touch an item that a person that has a cold or is coming down with one has just touched and then rub your eye or your nose you are hand delivering the microbial viruses straight into your body. So wean yourself of rubbing your nose and your eyes right away – it is well worth it. Be careful to not go to the extremes either; there is no need to use an antibacterial soap it can actually weaken your system.

3. Make sure you’re getting enough of the following:

  • Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is not really a vitamin it is a hormone that controls the immune system. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is very common all around the world both secondary to dietary changes as well as profound use of sunscreen. It is well worth to have your vitamin D levels checked with a simple blood test but keep in mind that “normal” levels vary a lot around the world. Dr. Michael Holick,  one of the world’s best authorities on vitamin D suggests that we should have levels around 90-100 nanomoles per ml of blood. If you turn out to have low levels it is important to start with high doses temporarily to oomph the system – consult with your doctor or health care specialist.
  • Iron
    Iron is another supplement that is important for a strong immune system so if you think you might be low in iron (most women of childbearing age are) you should have that checked.
  • Vitamin C
    If you are eating a healthy diet including lots of veggies and fruits you shouldn’t have to worry about not getting enough vitamin C. Taking a boost once in while might do you good though, especially if you feel like you are coming down with something.
  • Zink
    Zink is well-known for boosting the immune system as well as improving the sex drive as an added benefit. Like any other substance it is best to get zink from your diet so eating e.g. pumpkin seeds on and off should keep your levels up.
  • Magnesium
    Like vitamin D magnesium deficiency is common. One of the reason being that the soil today does not contain as many minerals as it used to. It is important to make sure you are getting enough magnesium in your diet as it can support a healthy immune system.

4. Make use of the placebo effect and avoid the nocebo effect


Most people are familiar with the placebo effect; if you believe something will help you it probably will to some extent at least. Actually the fact is that studies are showing that the placebo effect could be even stronger than we have thought This effect is so effective as a matter of fact that most of psychotic medicine do not seem to work much better than the placebo effect. You might on the other hand not have heard of the nocebo effect which basically is the opposite of the placebo one. So if you believe something will be harmful to you it most likely will. The power of our brain is being proven to be more powerful than we ever thought possible. So how can this help you fight off sickness? These effects can actually help you quite a bit; for instance if you believe something will help you in the fight against being sick it most likely will. On the other hand if you are convinced that you will fall sick you might have a better change of actually getting sick.

5.Getting a good nights sleep
Sleep is never over rated and studies that show the importance if getting a good nights sleep have been piling up. A new research overview  published in the Annual Review of Psychology how sleep can affect immunity of the body. How much sleep we need seems to differ a bit between one person and the next but going to sleep at a similar time seems to matter.

6. Exercise – preferably outdoors
Wherever you look there is an article letting us know how important it is to exercise and avoid too much sitting. The body is made to be kept on the move and regular exercise is essential. If you can exercise outdoors it gives the immune system an extra boost – plenty of sunshine and oxygen. Now studies are also showing that it is not enough to exercise 2-3 times a week as it seems to be essential to move throughout each and every day and that the ace of sitting can be harmful. Get up and move!

7. Drink enough water
The body is 50-60% water and we need to replenish our stacks. Think of the mucous membranes that line the inner surface of the body as flowers that need watering; without water the flowers will wither away. Similarly will the mucous membranes dry up and lose their ability to fend of invading bacteria and viruses if they don’t get their regular water supply. Not drinking enough water can actually increase your changes of getting a cold or the flu.